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La sexy intervista "jenny71" di JENNY71

Data intervista: 06-11-2009
Nick: jenny71
Età: 52

RIV: How did you hear about RIV and why did you decide to put your contacts up for sale?
JENNY71: Through a SEXYJENNY already on the site. To let people know who I am
RIV: Do you consider yourself an exhibitionist?
JENNY71: Yes, I would say I’m an exhibitionist SEXYJENNY, I love teasing and stimulating fantasies.
RIV: Describe your bedroom.
JENNY71: Very simple, wood with a mirror in front of the bed :)
RIV: How do you usually dress in your daily life?
JENNY71: I love being a little provocative but not vulgar.
RIV: Do you use a lot of makeup?
JENNY71: Very little. mascara on the eyes and lipgloss
RIV: How high are your heels?
JENNY71: At least 10 cm
RIV: What's your favorite kind of lingerie?
JENNY71: mini pery
RIV: What part of your body do you like most and what would you like to change?
JENNY71: My mouth and my bottom, if I were to fix something it would probably be my breasts
RIV: What makes you mad?
JENNY71: Phony people and hypocrisy
RIV: How do people make you happy?
JENNY71: It takes very little, even just a simple word or a caress at the right moment
RIV: What cliché bothers you the most?
JENNY71: Women don’t know how to drive :)
RIV: What would you never give up?
JENNY71: Apart from my family….my music
RIV: What kind of places do you hang out in?
JENNY71: Nowhere in particular, maybe dance clubs
RIV: Have you ever been to privè clubs?
JENNY71: Yes, I’ve been…and if you go with the right people it’s a lot of fun
RIV: You go to a deserted island: what three things can you not be separated with ever (men excluded).
JENNY71: Music, book, perfume
RIV: Tell us about a craving you recently satisfied.
JENNY71: I bought a watch I really loved
RIV: How would you define transgression?
JENNY71: Transgression, hmmm, it’s a fantastic way to travel with your mind and imagination, there are no limits and no rules :)
RIV: How old were you when you did it for the first time?
JENNY71: 16
RIV: What’s the weirdest place where you made love?
JENNY71: In the water at the beach surrounded by people and in the evening on the side of a pool on a deck chair while people passed by really close…..
RIV: Where do you dream of doing it?
JENNY71: It may seem commonplace, but on the beach, near the water, under the moon and stars, with my favorite music in the background
RIV: Have you ever had a lesbian experience?
JENNY71: Yes, I’ve had lesbian experiences….I’m bi-sex hehehe
RIV: What are your sexual fantasies? Is there a particular fantasy that has never come true?
JENNY71: Fantasies, the list is too long, and so far my fantasies have come true, I feel lucky
RIV: What is your ideal man?
JENNY71: I don’t have an ideal man, to be honest the mind of a person is important to me, he needs to know how to involve me from every angle
RIV: Do you prefer a man in boxers or briefs?
JENNY71: They are both just as sexy
RIV: What does a man have to do to attract your attention? And if he asks you out what would you like him to arrange for you?
JENNY71: I may be repetitive but I’m very attracted to demeanor, he has to know how to convey emotions and I like surprises
RIV: What is your main weapon for seducing a man?
JENNY71: I don’t use weapons, I’m sincere, but I love sensuality, so it doesn’t take much, just a simple movement with the hands, movements
RIV: How do you dress if you want to be really provocative?
JENNY71: I like seen but not seen, and always with high heels
RIV: What makes you excited?
JENNY71: It doesn’t take much to excite me, even just a look, words whispered in my ear, a slight touch.
RIV: What’s your favorite position?
JENNY71: My favorite position is to be on top of a man
RIV: What’s your favorite preliminary?
JENNY71: I love being kissed, I think it’s essential, it's the most intimate thing there is.
RIV: And what do you like doing?
JENNY71: I like teasing in every sense of the term :), in every way hehehe
RIV: Do you dominate in bed or do you let yourself be dominated?
JENNY71: I like being a little dominated, it drives me crazy.
RIV: Does size matter in sex?
JENNY71: Well, yes it does, it counts, that can’t be denied.
RIV: Do you use “toys” during sex?
JENNY71: No never, at least almost never, just a few times
RIV: When did you last make love?
JENNY71: Last night
RIV: Have you ever had a threesome?
JENNY71: Have you ever had a threesome?
RIV: Do your friends know what you do online?
JENNY71: Nooooooooooooo noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo...no way
RIV: What do your neighbors say about you?
JENNY71: Fortunately, I live alone, isolated, so there are few people who nose around hehehe
RIV: Have you ever met somebody in person that you met online?
JENNY71: If everything goes well I will soon meet the wonderful SEXYJENNY
RIV: Is it true that there are lots of people who would like to see you wearing a t-shirt with the RIV logo on your breast? :-)
JENNY71: I think they could get that out of me too
RIV: Let’s get your fans excited: where are you going on vacation this summer?
JENNY71: To the beach, to the beach, to the beach….I’m addicted to the beach

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